Collect Abstracts for the First CASA-China Joint CME Meeting

Dear Members,

The first joint CME meeting (中美麻醉学术论坛) between CASA and Beijing Capital Medical School (首医) will be held in November 5-7, 2010 in Beijing, China. If you like to attend this meeting as an invited speaker, please submit your topics (as many as you have) before April 15, then we will contact you for selected abstract(s). We will organize a delegation this year led by Drs. Yanfu Shao, Naixi Li and Yun Xia.
and your family a happy and healthy Chinese New Year.

All members of CASA, who are interested in China meetings and services, will be welcome to contribute this meeting. Please prepare your topic(s) and abstract(s), and let us know your intention to join in this special CASA delegation ASAP. Please contact us if further information needed.