征 文 通 知

Hi, Everybody;

Dr.Yun Xia is a professor from the Ohio State University Medical Center. He is going to give presentation regarding the research activities among CASA members during CASA-CSA meeting in Chicago this coming October 15th. Please read his announcement below.

Best Wishes 

Vincent Xie

President Elect of CASA

This is Yun Xia from the Ohio State University Medical Center.  I was asked to give a 5-minute presentation regarding the research activities among CASA members during this year's CASA-CSA meeting in Chicago on October 15th.

In order to collect the information, I would like to ask you help me to post the following announcement on the official CASA website.  Thanks.

Have a nice weekend.

Xia Yun, MD, PhD
Department of Anesthesiology
Ohio State University Medical Center
410 West Tenth Avenue, #N-411
Columbus, OH 43210-1228
Phone: (614) 293-8487
Fax: (614) 293-8153
Pager: (614) 730-6343

One of our CASA missions is to promote scientific academic exchange between the US and China.  In the upcoming CASA-CSA meeting during the ASA annual conference in Chicago on October 15, we will introduce to CSA delegation members the research activities among our CASA members.  Please summarize your clinical and basic science research interests/activities in no more than 50 words and e-mail your summary to Dr. Yun Xia at: yun.xia@osumc.edu by October 8th.  Thank you for your assistance.